Sunday, May 27, 2012

Team Carly

Carly's brother, Clayton, made these t-shirts in support of Carly.  Her friends passed them out and wore them at school.  This picture was sent to Carly, not from her High School but, from the rival High School in support of Carly.  We love her friends, both Memorial and Stratford!
Yesterday we made an appointment to have Carly's hair buzzed off.  The only visual I could imagine was Brittany Spears' headline news shaving her head years ago.  Needless to say, thanks to Carly's character, there was no resemblance and no drama.  Carly made it easy on everybody in the beauty shop, especially me.  You would have thought she was getting her hair trimmed.   To take a quote from her cousin, Travis Hook, "nothing will break her beautiful spirit and Hollywood smile."  Yes, bald really is beautiful!

I am blessed to have time carved out with Carly.  We have 3 days of chemo this week so I ask you to please pray there won't be any side effects, complications or physical damage.  Pray for strength and comfort along with protection of her organs.  Pray to destroy all cancer cells, never to return again, and for 100% health/healing for her entire body.
Please pray especially on these dates as she will probably be taking chemo:
May 29, 30, 31
June 5, 19, 20, 21, 26
July 10, 11, 12, 17
Thanks for all the love and support,
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Webster defines FAITH as "belief and trust in and loyalty to God, complete confidence, without doubt"

Matthew 17: 19-21 says, "if you have FAITH as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Well, Carly is moving mountains -- her FAITH is an inspiration to all of us. 

And Our Lord is rewarding that FAITH; the tumor in her Lymph Node is obviously shrinking and she has made it through the First Round of Chemotherapy with very few side effects.  Yes, she is starting to lose her hair, but even this visible sign of her struggle hasn't shaken her FAITH. 

She told me the other morning she enjoys listening to Kerrie Roberts' "No Matter What" on her drive into school each day -- in the event you haven't heard this song, I have attached a link.  If you are like me, when you hear this song in the context of what she is going through, it will bring tears to your eyes:

I can't thank you enough for the many prayers you have offered up for Carly. The support we have received from friends and family is humbling.  As Carly starts her Second Round of treatment next Tuesday, I ask you for your continued prayers as she resumes her battle.

Much love, Brad

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Makin Lemonade

As the saying goes....when life gives you lemons, make lemonade!  Below are just a few of the good things happening around here:
  • Summer is almost here!  
  • Clayton and Kevin are around to make Carly laugh.
  • Brad always looks for the positive.
  • Carly is a shining light.
  • The dog gets lots of attention.  
  • The swelling in Carly's neck is visibly down after chemo.
  • Snail mail has made a come back and we love it. 
  • Massages are recommended (good therapy for both of us)
  • There are so many nice people that want to help.
  • Carly worked a High School car wash today with friends. 
  • My family can count on a couple good meals each week, thanks to friends.
  • Shaving legs won't be necessary soon.
  • Carly received a club volleyball award tonight for working hard, leading by example, and having good character.
  • New medications help with side effects, most the time.
  • Our neighbor happens to be a nurse and helps daily.
  • Hodgkin Lymphoma is treatable and beatable.
  • People are praying for us around the world.  Please continue to pray for peace, strength, wisdom, minimal side effects and a full, speedy recovery.
Love always,

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sup World

On Tuesday I had my 4th day of chemo treatments and my brother Kevin said he would accompany me to the hospital and support me.  As you can see he fell asleep on the job, but it was an early morning so I can't blame him.

After Tuesday's treatment, it was nice to come home to a bed where my feet don't hang off the end, like they do in hospital beds....tall girl problems. Also, having a neighbor that is a nurse has been such a blessing. If not for June Schleicher, my dad would be giving me my daily shots  (he insisted he would be perfect for the job because he says, "I'm good at throwing darts.") 

I cannot even begin to explain how amazing the support of my friends, family, teachers and doctors have been in this process. So many people have been praying for me and have stayed by my side every step of the way. There is no way I would be able to keep such a positive attitude without their love and support. I also know that God has a plan for my life and even though I can't see it yet, I have complete faith in Him that I will be stronger from this trial. 
I appreciate the continued thoughts and prayers! Reading the posts on this blog and everyone's comments makes this process a whole lot easier. 
Thanks again,
Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, May 14, 2012

Graduation Weekend

I am officially a Texas A&M Former Student! Carly and the family came up for my graduation ceremony this past Saturday. I am about to begin my career working in the Houston area and am thrilled to spend more time with Carly.
We'd like to thank my friend Molly Jodeit and her family for sharing their experience and giving us guidance throughout this process. Carly, as always, has been a trooper, smiling the whole way through. Please continue to remember her and bring her joy and laughter.
Over and out,

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Top 10 List

My new favorite quote:: "I know God won't give me anything I can't handle, I just wish he didn't trust me so much."

We want to thank everybody for their kindness, generosity and support!  I'm trying to keep up but my focus is getting Carly healthy.

Carly just completed 3 days of chemo and is amazing..... below are the Top 10 things We are Thankful for:

10) Fuzzy bears and blankets
 9)  Funny Movies
 8)  iPhones, iPads and iTunes
 7)  Special deliveries of meals and gifts
 6)  Memorial High School's understanding faculty
 5)  Prayers, love and support
 4)  Early diagnosis, MD Anderson and anti-nausea medication
 3)  Awesome Doctors and Nurses
 2)  Faith, Family and Friends
 1)  Carly

All the Best,

God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind.    
2 Timothy 1:7  

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

GOD is Good

We serve an Awesome GOD. 

Today we learned that Carly's cancer appears to have been revealed in an early Stage; 2A.  As we have learned over the past week Hodgkin's Lymphoma is a very treatable and curable cancer, especially when diagnosed early.  After a week of tests we found out today that the cancer has not spread to the bones, liver, spleen or other organs; it appears to be concentrated in her neck and upper chest. 
Carly has been such a witness to me as she marches through the days without pause.  The grueling tests, the endless prodding and poking -- she never complains and does it all with such grace.  Instead of complaining, she sings songs of praise as we drive to and fro. 
After receiving her results today we moved immediately into treatment -- but only after we heard about every side effect, no matter how remote, of the chemotherapy she will be taking.  
We have been blessed with an extremely patient and through Physician; Dr. Anna Franklin.  She makes us feel like Carly is her only patient; never hurried or annoyed by our endless list of questions.  What a Blessing MDA has been to our Family.
Carly began her Chemo this evening.  She is currently scheduled to have four (4), twenty one (21) day cycles of treatment.  And if all goes well, should be cancer free in early August. 
As I said in my earlier note; I know God didn't "will" this to happen, but I do believed he "allowed" it to.  Yet, I also know he is paving the way for us to Glorify Him.  He "allowed" me to be in a position to notice the tumor early in its growth, He "allowed" us to be domiciled in the same city as MDAnderson, He has blessed us with a support group that is lifting us up at every turn and He has "allowed" us to feel His presence every step of the way.  I have no doubt He is holding Carly in His Almighty Arms. 
Love Brad

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wig Shop

My sis Carl went wig shopping the other day.  Truthfully, I think it looks better on me, but you can be the judge...
It is amazing how Carl can keep such a big smile on her face even in times like these. Carl has had such a great attitude this past week during all of her tests.  I can't even begin to imagine the things she will take away from this to make her even stronger.

I can't wait to come home for the summer to see her beautiful smile everyday.

Big Bro Kevo

Be strong and bold; have no fear or dread of them, because it is the Lord your God who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. 
Deuteronomy 31:6-8

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Day at MD Anderson

Did you know MD Anderson has a new greeter?  Brad .   Yes, Brad talks to everybody in the waiting room and down the halls.  Also, when Brad pushes Carly in the wheelchair he makes race car noises.  MD Anderson is both wonderful and sad because we are glad this fantastic hospital is in Houston but didn't realize how many children have cancer.

Carly is being tested from head to toe so the doctors will know what level of treatment she'll need.  So far the indications are good but they have a few more test to run.  Chemo will probably start next week.  Carly is strong, is a good sport and will turn this into something positive.  They pricked and poked her all day today and when done, she gave them a big smile and said "thank you."  She seems to enjoy the free apple juice. Carly says she will now have something to write about on her college essays.  

Clayton and Kevin were heartbroken when they heard the news and came home for a couple days.  They told Carly that God tests the ones he loves the most. Now they are in constant contact with her and keep her laughing.  It will be nice to have the boys close by this summer. 

Please continue to pray for good test results, healing, comfort, peace, strength, wisdom, a complete and speedy recovery. Thanks to our family, friends and teachers for all their prayers and support.  We have people organizing, calling, emailing, texting, leaving gifts and meals etc.....We feel the Love!  


Our Baby Girl

As many of you have heard, our baby girl, Carly was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma on April 30, 2012. Although I obviously do not understand God’s Plan, I know he loves Carly dearly and would not forsake her. I do not believe God “wills” these types of things to happen, but I do believe he “allows” them to happen to bring us closer to him. I know I have been down on my knees more in the past two weeks than I probably have in the past two years.

Claudia and I sincerely appreciate your prayers, because we know the Power of Prayer.  We are praying humbly and boldly for a miracle that would remove this cup of suffering from her before she even gets started with treatment, but have put it in God’s Almighty Hands.

Please pray for strength and courage for Carly and that she will be drawn even closer to her Maker during this time.

Thanks in advance for your support.

– Brad